8/31/24 mail call. The "Recon Kwaiken" version with stag insert scales. This version increases cutting edge to 4 1/8 inches, which is 1/2 inch longer than the cord wrap version I reviewed 10 days ago. The handle is 1/4 inch shorter, but with the finger notch and the added body and texture of the stag inserts the grip security without lanyard is better on this iteration IMO. If you're discussing dimensional differences with Julious when ordering the prototype, my advice is tell him to go ahead and create as I did with this one. When the maker's heart is is in it, the resulting blade will be pleasing in every way - just like you see in the picture. In hand it is even better. The deals Julious is running cannot be beat. Don't sleep on it!

Thanks for posting the review! It really helps me. Beyond that it helps those trying to decide if something is right for them or not. This particular knife is one of my personal favorites that I've made. The stag is gorgeous, and it just feels perfect to me in the hand.